Jennie & the Gold Endeavor Debut Album!

I did it! Yay! I hope you enjoy listening to the frequencies of my soul. If you like what you hear and want to help me record more, please either purchase a download or donate at the red ‘Buy me a coffee!’ button on the right hand side of the page. Love! <3

Bottle Rockets in the Fall

Like a child with a new set of toys, I learned to edit video and I am having a field day making digital shorts for my songs. This one is “Bottle Rockets in the Fall” and will be recorded for my upcoming album. I hope you enjoy! Please follow me on Instagram so I can share more yummy creativity with you. <3

The Hat Set!

So.. a bit of a delayed follow up but The Hat Set was a glorious evening full of fun where somehow the concept of ‘hat trauma’ was introduced.. leading to the inquiry: Is this trauma induced by a hat? So far, hats have only brought me joy, however..

The Hat Set

Hi! I am playing my first San Francisco gig on April 7th with my new band “Jennie Says Words”! Come see us at the Goorin Brothers hat shop at 1446 Haight Street in the classic Haight-Ashbury neighborhood. We play 5-8pm.